Agenda for the upcoming IRCC meeting

  • Meeting (blue) Image

19 Apr 2023

The IFRS Foundation's new advisory group, the Integrated Reporting and Connectivity Council (IRCC), will hold its second meeting on 25 April 2023.

The IRCC will receive an update on the (joint) work of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB).

In addition, the IRCC will review a comparison between Management Commentary and Integrated Reporting. Key observations from the initial analysis are:

  • Management commentary and integrated reports have similar objectives, providing investors with insights for assessing an entity’s prospects. Sometimes integrated reports are adapted to meet information needs of other audiences.
  • The management commentary exposure draft and the IR Framework incorporate similar principles and notions of value creation. An entity’s ‘resources and relationships’ or ‘capitals’ play a prominent role in both documents.
  • The requirements specified in the management commentary exposure draft and the IR Framework should result in similar information being provided in the reports. However, the way in which the requirements are specified can be different.

Please click for the meeting agenda and papers on the IFRS Foundation website.

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