Educational material on applying the IFRS for SMEs to climate-related matters
16 May 2023
The IFRS Foundation has released a publication that shows how existing requirements in the IFRS for SMEs require companies to consider climate-related matters when their effect is material to the financial statements.
The publication is based on similar educational material regarding full IFRSs published by the IFRS Foundation in November 2020 and also considers feedback received on the September 2022 Exposure Draft IASB/ED/2022/1 Third edition of the IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard.
The publication mainly consists of a non-exhaustive list of examples illustrating when the IFRS for SMEs may require companies to consider the effects of climate-related matters in applying the principles in a number of sections.
The examples in the list refer to the following sections:
- Section 3 Financial Statement Presentation
- Section 8 Notes to the Financial Statements
- Section 11 Basic Financial Instruments
- Section 17 Property, Plant and Equipment and Section 18 Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
- Section 21 Provisions and Contingencies
- Section 27 Impairment of Assets
- Section 29 Income Tax
The publication also notes that in addition to the specific requirements outlined in the table, Section 3 contains some overarching requirements that could be relevant when considering climate-related matters.
Please click to access Effects of climate-related matters on financial statements prepared in accordance with the 'IFRS for SMEs' Accounting Standard on the IFRS Foundation website.