FSB progress report on addressing climate-related financial risks
17 Jul 2023
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has submitted to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors its second annual progress report on the July 2021 roadmap to address climate-related financial risks.
The report takes stock of progress by standard-setting bodies and other international organisations on the actions coordinated through the 2021 roadmap, outlines areas for further attention, and provides updates where needed to the detailed roadmap actions.
The report notes that progress has been made across all four blocks of the roadmap and especially comments on firm-level disclosures:
A substantial achievement has been the publication on 26 June of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)’s final standards, IFRS S1 on general sustainability-related disclosures and IFRS S2 on climate-related disclosures. The FSB welcomes the publication of the final standards, which will serve as a global framework for sustainability disclosures and, when implemented, will enable disclosures by different companies around the world to be made on a common basis.
The FSB stresses that the next important step is now for IOSCO to review the standards, with the objective to consider endorsement for domestic and cross-border use by member market authorities across jurisdictions.
A key priority is now the swift consideration by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) of endorsement of the standards for authorities to adopt, apply or otherwise utilise in a robust and timely manner, reflecting each jurisdiction’s circumstances. The FSB will work with the ISSB, IOSCO and other relevant bodies to promote the timely and wide use of the standards.
The report also comments on the need for further work on interoperability and the finalisation of assurance and ethics standards over sustainability-related reporting.
Please click to access the full report on the FSB website.