IFR4NPO publishes second exposure draft
26 Sep 2023
International Financial Reporting for Non-Profit Organisations (IFR4NPO), an initiative to develop the first internationally applicable financial reporting guidance for non-profit organisations, has released 'International Non-Profit Accounting Guidance, Part 2'.
The new guidance, International Non-Profit Accounting Guidance (INPAG), seeks to improve clarity and consistency of Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) financial reports, resulting in greater credibility and trust in the sector globally.
The exposure draft is the second of three parts, each followed by a 4-6-month consultation period. While ED1 addressed the framing for financial reporting of NPOs, ED2 is devoted to the accounting itself. It covers 12 sections:
- Section 11 — Financial instruments
- Section 13 — Inventories
- Section 21 — Provisions and contingencies
- Section 23 Part I — Revenue — Grants and donations
- Section 23 Part II — Revenue — Contracts with customers
- Section 24 Part I — Expenses — Grants and donations
- Section 25 — Borrowing costs
- Section 28 — Employee benefits
- Section 29 — Income tax
- Section 30 — Foreign currency translation
- Section 31 — Hyperinflation
- Section 32 — Events after the end of the reporting period
The remaining sections will be covered in ED3 expected in the first quarter of 2024. Final guidance will be published in mid-2025.
Please click for access to the ED and supporting material on the IFR4NPO website. Comments on the ED are requested by 15 March 2024.