New edition of 'Monthly Roundup' from Deloitte (Australia)

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30 Jun 2011

Deloitte Australia has issued Monthly Roundup May 2011, which summarises . The publication highlights the new batch of IASB standards forming the 'next wave', new Accounting alerts on topical issues for 30 June 2011 reporting and the standards issued as a result of 'phase 1' of the Trans-Tasman convergence project with the New Zealand Accounting Standards Review Board (ASRB).

Deloitte Australia has issued Monthly Roundup May 2011, which summarises . The publication highlights the new batch of IASB standards forming the 'next wave', new Accounting alerts on topical issues for 30 June 2011 reporting and the standards issued as a result of 'phase 1' of the Trans-Tasman convergence project with the New Zealand Accounting Standards Review Board (ASRB).

Past edition of Monthly Roundup are available at

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