Dutch position paper on full consolidation of partly owned subsidiaries

  • Netherlands Image

05 Jul 2012

The Eumedion Foundation based in the Netherlands has published a position paper 'Full consolidation of partly owned subsidiaries requires additional disclosure’ claiming that the full consolidation makes companies appear larger than they are to investors.

Eumedion is a non-profit organisation that monitors listed companies in the Netherlands and in Europe on their ESG-performance and looks at risk management, remuneration, transparency and reporting. Eumedion operates as a representative of the interests of institutional investors in the field of corporate governance and sustainability.

In the position paper published today, Eumedion claims that a majority of listed companies in Europe appears larger than they are to investors as the consolidated financial statements include subsidiaries in full, even if these subsidiaries are only partly owned. This leads to an uncertainty which is caused by the complete lack of disclosure on the impenetrable line item ‘non-controlling interest’. Therefore, Eumedion encourages listed companies worldwide to provide insight in the line item ‘non-controlling interest’, the International Accounting Standards Board to more explicitly require disclosure on non-controlling interest and enforcers worldwide to challenge in-sufficient disclosure on non-controlling interest.

Please click for access to the position paper on the Eumedion website.

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