30 Dec 2000
Number 2 in the "ten most critical financial reporting challenges facing US public companies for the year 2001" identified by the Financial Executives Institute: "International Accounting Standards -- Prepare for changes in domestic GAAP that will ensure compatibility among the accounting principles of countries around the world." FEI News Release (PDF 23k). .
Number 2 in the "ten most critical financial reporting challenges facing US public companies for the year 2001" identified by the Financial Executives Institute: "International Accounting Standards -- Prepare for changes in domestic GAAP that will ensure compatibility among the accounting principles of countries around the world." FEI News Release (PDF 23k).
22 Dec 2000
Accounting standard-setters in four North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) countries have participated in the third edition of a study, just published, of Significant Differences in GAAP in Canada, Chile, Mexico, and the United States.
At its meeting last week, the outgoing IASC Board approved a statement that will be sent to the new IASC Board.
IASC has published Batch 5 of Proposed Guidance on IAS 39, Financial Instruments (PDF 1,031k).
US SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt has submitted his resignation, effective mid-February. .
US SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt has submitted his resignation, effective mid-February.
21 Dec 2000
A "definitive examination of the issues affecting the drive towards global accounting standards" has been published by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW).
IOSCO, the SEC, and the EC are key to the success of the restructured IASC.
20 Dec 2000
Here are two new Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu comment letters to IASC on: (PDF 182k) (PDF 142k) Regarding stock comp, the Firm encourages IASC to work toward a solution that can be accepted globally and can satisfy the quality of measurement reliability.
19 Dec 2000
We have posted the Executive Summary of the Draft Standard on Financial Instruments developed by the Joint Working Group and recently issued by IASC for comment (PDF 24k).
16 Dec 2000
We've begun to add country updates on accounting standards to IAS Plus.
The country updates can be found on our jurisdiction pages.
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