SEC roundtable on interactive data

  • SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) (dark gray) Image

09 May 2006

The US Securities and Exchange Commission will host a public forum on ways that interactive data can improve disclosure for ordinary investors.

The roundtable will be held at the SEC's Washington, DC, headquarters on 12 June 2006. Particular emphasis will be placed on disclosures by mutual funds. Interactive data permits Internet users to search for and use individual items of information from financial reports, such as net income, executive compensation, or mutual fund expenses. Topics to be considered at the forum include:
  • What investors and analysts are looking for in the new world of interactive data.
  • How to accelerate the use of new software that permits the dissemination of interactive financial data.
  • How best to design the SEC's requirements for company disclosures to take maximum advantage of the potential of interactive data.
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