EFRAG TEG appointments

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

25 Mar 2009

The Supervisory Board of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has approved the re-appointment for one-year terms ending 31 March 2010, of the six members of the Technical Expert Group (TEG) up for rotation (marked with * below). It has also appointed a new member, Professor Araceli Mora, for two years.

Here is the composition of the TEG as of 1 April 2009:

Voting members:

  • Stig Enevoldsen, Auditor, Denmark - EFRAG TEG Chair
  • Francoise Flores, Industry, France - EFRAG TEG Vice-Chair
  • Mike Ashley*, Auditor, member of the UK ASB
  • Alan Dangerfield*, Industry, Switzerland
  • Catherine Guttmann*, Insurance Advisor, France
  • Roberto Monachino, Banking specialist, Italy
  • Araceli Mora, Professor, Spain
  • Hans Schoen*, former Auditor, The Netherlands
  • Thomas Seeberg*, Industry, Germany
  • Anna Sirocka, Auditor, Poland
  • Michael Starkie*, Industry, UK
  • Carsten Zielke, User, Germany

Non-voting members:

  • Liesel Knorr – German Accounting Standards Board
  • Jean-Francois Lepetit – French CNC (standard setter)
  • Ian Mackintosh – UK Accounting Standards Board


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