EFRAG extends comment period on Financial Statement Presentation

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

17 Nov 2010

In view of the recent decision of the IASB and the FASB to postpone further detailed redeliberations on the financial statement presentation project until after June 2011, EFRAG has extended the deadline for comments on EFRAG's paper on the IASB's staff draft of the ED Financial Statement Presentation until 30 April 2011. The EFRAG paper, which is based on EFRAG's preliminary views, is intended to stimulate the debate by European constituents on the proposals included in the Draft ED and serves as a basis for the outreach events in Europe.

An overview of all dates and places is available in this press release (link to EFRAG website). The feedback received during the meetings with constituents around Europe will be provided to the IASB upon completion of the outreach events, and will be taken into consideration in planning further steps on the project.


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