EFRAG appoints new TEG members under the new governance structure

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

15 Dec 2014

The Board of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has announced the appointment of six new members of its Technical Experts Group (TEG). The appointments are a consequence of EFRAG's new governance structure and of three current TEG members stepping down from their roles.

Under the new structure, EFRAG TEG consists of a maximum of 16 members of which at least four members are nominated by the standard-setters of France, Germany, Italy and the UK. Its new role is to provide technical advice to the EFRAG Board who will be responsible for all EFRAG positions.

The standard-setter representatives will provide a direct liaison with, and the facility of obtaining input from, the standard-setters and their constituents in four main countries in Europe. So far Anthony Appleton (FRC, UK), Tommaso Fabi (OIC, Italy) and Dr. Sven Morich (ASCG, Germany) have been appointed.

The other three newly appointed members (Phil Aspin (UK), Geert Ewalts (Netherlands), Prof. Dr. Günther Gebhardt (Germany)) will replace three TEG members who are stepping down from their role - among them Deloitte Partner Prof. Dr. Andreas Barckow who has been appointed as future President of the Accounting Standards Committee of Germany (ASCG).

Please click for the press release on the EFRAG website.

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