Comparison of IFRS S2 with TCFD recommendations

  • IFRSF document (blue) Image

24 Jul 2023

The IFRS Foundation has compiled a comparison of the requirements in IFRS S2 'Climate-related Disclosures' and the TCFD recommendations.

The comparison shows that, as the requirements in IFRS S2 are consistent with the four core recommendations and eleven recommended disclosures published by the TCFD, companies that apply the ISSB Standards will meet the TCFD recommendations and so do not need to apply the TCFD recommendations in addition to the ISSB Standards.

IFRS S2 contains additional requirements, though. These include the requirements for companies to disclose industry-based metrics, to disclose information about their planned use of carbon credits to achieve their net emissions targets, and to disclose additional information about their financed emissions.

Please click to access the comparison on the IFRS Foundation website.

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