Key takeaways from the ISSB conference on integrated thinking and reporting

  • ISSB event (blue) Image

23 Aug 2023

On 12 June 2023, the ISSB hosted an event ‘IFRS Integrated Thinking & Reporting Conference’ that brought together industry leaders, standard setters, and academics to share insights and best practices in integrated thinking and reporting.

A summary of the five key takeaways from the conference has now been published. They are:

  • Integrated thinking and reporting improve engagement and discourse between investors and investees.
  • Integrated thinking and reporting are integral to the IFRS Foundation’s development of a comprehensive global corporate reporting system.
  • Integrated thinking and reporting improve performance.
  • Integrated thinking and reporting can be a natural link between investor- and impact-focused sustainability reporting.
  • Integrated thinking and reporting are complementary to the ISSB Standards.

Please click to access the summary on the integrated reporting website.

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