IASB issues podcast on latest Board developments (January 2024)

  • IASB podcast (blue) Image

30 Jan 2024

The IASB has released a podcast hosted by Executive Technical Director Nili Shah featuring IASB Chair Andreas Barckow and IASB Vice-Chair Linda Mezon-Hutter discussing the deliberations at the January 2024 IASB meeting.

The podcast highlights some of the projects that were discussed during the meeting, including:

  • the post-implementation review of IFRS 15; 
  • power purchase agreements;
  • amendments to IFRS 9 regarding classification and measurement; and
  • proposals for the addendum to the IFRS for SMEs exposure draft.

It also addresses a question from one of the podcast listeners.

    The podcast can be accessed here on the IFRS Foundation website.

    An analysis of changes to the work plan resulting from the IASB discussions can be found here.

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