ISSB publishes webcast and educational material on industry-specific disclosures

  • ISSB (International Sustainability Standards Board) (blue) Image

19 Feb 2024

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has released a 14-minute webcast on the importance of industry-specific disclosures to investors. At the same time, the ISSB has published educational material explaining how entities can refer to and consider the content in the SASB standards to meet the requirements in IFRS S1.

In the webcast, ISSB member Elizabeth Seeger discusses with global investors the main reasons why investors rely on industry-specific information in their analysis and decision-making.

The educational material explains how entities can meet the requirement in IFRS S1 to disclose material information about all sustainability-related risks and opportunities that could reasonably be expected to affect an entity's cash flows, its access to finance or cost of capital over the short, medium or long term. IFRS S1 includes a reference to the SASB standards as a source of guidance for sustainability-related risks and opportunities beyond climate (which is addressed through IFRS S2). 

The educational material states that the SASB standards can be a useful source of guidance in applying IFRS S1 because they:

  • are designed to provide investors, creditors and other lenders with information that is decision-useful and comparable with peers;
  • are tailored to specific industries, allowing companies to quickly access guidance that is relevant to their business activities; and
  • provide guidance on sustainability-related topics beyond climate, including human capital and nature.

Please click for the following on the IFRS Foundation website:

  • Press release
  • Access to the webcast on the importance of of industry-specific disclosures to investors
  • Access to the educational material Using the SASB Standards to meet the requirements in IFRS S1 

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